
EU-Japan Green Transition Matchmaking 2023

In partnership with many stakeholders in Europe and Japan, the EU-Japan Centre organises an “EU-Japan Green Transition Matchmaking” for the second year in a row.
The event is for companies as well as research organisations from Japan and EU interested in building business partnerships that contribute to a low-carbon society.

The EU-Japan Green Transition online platform offers opportunities for matchmaking on-site in Tokyo during the Smart Energy Week from 15-17 March and online from 22-24 March 2023.

Matchmaking beyond these dates will be possible until August 2023.

The platform will also be open to hosting webinars related to the Green Transition topic. Already more than 200 organisations are registered on the platform.

The main target areas are:
– Renewable Energy
– Smart Energy Infrastructure
– Energy and Resource Efficiency
– Biomaterials
– Other Decarbonisation technologies

Participation is free of charge for representatives of enterprises, research and institutions and other related organisations, located in Japan or the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. The organisers reserve the right to reject applications considered as not appropriate for the platform’s target.
