
Upcoming Event: “2024 EU-Egypt Investment Conference”

We would like to inform you that the 2024 EU-Egypt Investment Conference will take place on June 29th and 30th, 2024, at the Al Manara International Conference Center in New Cairo, Egypt.

The conference is co-organized by the Egyptian Government and the European Union (EU), and will be inaugurated by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen.

The conference aims to attract both foreign and domestic investments, specifically exploring and facilitating investment partnerships between the European Union and Egypt in critical sectors contributing to economic development and sustainability.

Key Investment Sectors of Interest:

  • Energy (renewable energy sources, oil & natural gas, green technology)
  • Agriculture and agribusiness
  • Pharmaceutical sector
  • Information and communication technology (ICT)
  • Financial and banking services
  • Real estate and construction

Please note that participation to the “2024 EU-Egypt Investment Conference” is by Invitation ONLY.

Therefore, those interested in participating in the event should send an expression of interest to the email address by 7th of May 2024, to be included in the list submitted to the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones – GAFI of Egypt and the EU Delegation in Cairo.

The detailed conference program will be announced later by the European Commission and relevant Egyptian authorities.

For further information, please contact telephone numbers 22889769/49/52.

Stalo Demosthenous Senior Oficer CCCI | Tel. 22889752,