
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Cyprus The role and services to local SMEs

You’re cordially invited to join us at a special awareness event hosted by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as Coordinator of EEN Cyprus, in collaboration with the European Commission Representation in Cyprus.

The event aims to inform the Turkish Cypriot business community about the pivotal role and services provided by Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus to local SMEs.

Additionally, the event will shed light on the network’s collaboration with the EU One Stop Shop, which provides support for Green Line Trade and businesses.

Your presence would greatly contribute to the success of this informative occasion.

Date: 21/11/2023

Time: 15:00

Location: Home of Cooperation

The event will be help in English with parallel translation in Turkish.

Please find the Agenda below.

Registration for the event is required. To register please click HERE.

For any further information or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following telephone numbers: 22889752, 22889769, or via email:



Awareness Event: Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus The role and services to local SMEs

21st of November 2023

Venue: Home of Cooperation, 28 Markou Drakou, 1102, Nicosia


15:00–15:15 Arrival – Registration
15:15–15:20 Welcome Speeches

▪ European Commission Representation in Cyprus

▪ Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry

15:20–15:40 Presentation of Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus

Ms. Stalo Demosthenous, Coordinator of EEN Cyprus, Senior Officer, CCCI, Dpt. Of European Affairs and Programs

15:40–16:00 Presentation of Success Stories

▪ Mr. Hasan Siber, Colive Ltd.

▪ Mr. Berk Gokhan, Innoinspira

16:00–16:20 Presentation of EU One Stop Shop Supporting Green Line Trade & Business (EU OSS)


EU One Stop Shop Green Line Trade Expert

16:20-16:30 Q & A
16:30-17:30 Networking Cocktail


The event is organised by Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry, as Coordinator of EEN Cyprus, under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus and the assistance of the EUROPE DIRECT Ledra Information Centre.