
Information Seminar: “Legal Framework for E-Shop and Online Sales”

For many businesses, the development of online stores (e-shops) proved to be the solution to the crisis.

In particular, no shutdowns, direct access to international markets, reduced costs in operation and marketing, and closer cooperation between buyers and sellers.

However, e-commerce is a market that has its own rules.

For this reason, the CCCI in cooperation with the Consumer Protection Service of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry, will organize on February 8, at 14:30, an informative seminar on the legal obligations of businesses that sell online or intend to sell online.

The aim is to provide guidance and compliance for Cypriot businesses with the legal framework and the fulfillment of their obligations arising from it. During the seminar, the following topics will be discussed:

  • Guarantees and defective products
  • Indication of price display and online payments
  • Unfair commercial practices and advertising
  • Indication of price in sales periods
  • Consumer rights in distance contracts (deliveries of products).

The seminar is co-funded by the Enterprise Europe Network of Cyprus. Registration is required until Tuesday, February 7, 2023. Click HERE

The seminar’s Program is further down.

For more information, please call 22889749/52/69.

Information Seminar: “Legal Framework for E-Shop and Online Sales”

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Venue: CCCI building, Deligiorgi 3,1st floor, Nicosia

14:30 – 14:45 Arrival
14:45 – 15:00
  • Welcome and Presentation of Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus Services

Stalo Demosthenous, Coordinator EEN Cyprus, Senior CCCI Officer, Department of European Affairs & Programs

15:00 – 18:00
  • Guarantees and defective products
  • Indication of price display and online payments
  • Unfair commercial practices and advertising
  • Indication of price in sales periods
  • Consumer rights in distance contracts (deliveries of products).

Emilia Papachristodoulou, George Mavrogiannis, Antonis Constantinou, Consumer Protection Service, Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry.

18:00 – 18:15 Questions
18:15 –  18:30 Networking cocktail