

Helping SMEs tailor digital solutions to their business needs.

We can guide you on how to integrate digital technologies into your business processes and on how to tailor digital solutions to your business needs.

Support services on digitalisation

Digitalisation is a key challenge for European SMEs, further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the recovery plans which have accelerated the path towards a more resilient, digital and sustainable economy.

To better support SMEs, the Network is further developing its capacity to deliver targeted services and collaborate with relevant actors to support its clients on their digital transformation journey. To do so it is working closely with the main stakeholders to create a strategic framework for cooperation.

EEN is committed to produce effective methodologies and ready-to-use tools in order to address the following challenges:

  • Methodologies and questionnaires based on a set of common principles for an entry-level assessment of clients’ digitalisation needs and potentials
  • Reinforced synergies with digitalisation service providers. The Network works in coordination with the so called “EEN digitalisation allies”, by splitting and managing tasks between the delivery of basic digitalisation support (which all consortia should be able to deliver), and more specific services and advice.

Synergies include:

  • Joint activities (events, B2B, I2B, joint trade fair appearances, info sessions, trainings) in cooperation with the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) and cluster organisations leading to increased effect to clients.
  • Client referrals & matching from EENs to EDIHs and from EDIHs to EENs for specialised EEN services (e.g. internationalisation) increasing SMEs outreach and the adequate services offer.

Practical tools/resources for partners and clients

There is a huge amount of material available at both EU level and national/regional level. This material can on the one hand help to build up knowledge and technical capacity to better serve clients or also be used on the other hand directly by clients. The Thematic Group on digitalisation group is in charge of a library with the most relevant practical tools/ resources that can be used by Network-peers and SME clients.

Guidance on A2F opportunities for digitalisation projects

EEN supports clients in getting their digitalisation projects funded through different available programmes, schemes and measures at EU level and at national/regional level.