
Presentations of the Export Helpdesk and the Trade Centers of Cyprus abroad to inform Cypriot Businesses

We would like to inform you that, in the context of informing Cypriot businesses about foreign markets, during the months of September – December 2023, presentations to inform Cypriot businesses will be organized by the Export Helpdesk of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry and the Trade Centers of Cyprus.

Through these presentations, businesses will have the opportunity to get to know the Commercial and Assistant Commercial Counsellors of Cyprus abroad, to be informed in general about the economy of the countries in which the Trade Centers are based, about the business environment, about the peculiarities and business culture of these markets, etc.

The presentations are addressed to Cypriot businesses that wish to export Cypriot products and services to countries covered by the Trade Centers of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry and aim to inform all businesses about these markets before applying to the Export Helpdesk for 2024.

The presentations follow the presentations made on a pilot basis to the applicants of 2023 and are expected to be made in the future during the same period on an annual basis. In the future, they may also cover other countries covered by the Trade Centers of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry and/or for specific sectors. Applications through the Export Helpdesk to find importers in countries covered by the Trade Centers for 2024 will be sent at the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024 to the businesses that will have completed the form.

We kindly ask that businesses interested in attending the presentations respond by 8/9/2023, which is the closing date for expressing interest in attending the presentations.