We would like to remind you that the Call for the «EENergy» Project will be open until 15th of May 2024 at 17:00 CET.
The Call aims to support at least 1800 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through the development of action plans by the EEN Network’s Sustainability Advisors, so that the SMEs achieve an improvement in their energy efficiency of at least 5%. 900 of these SMEs will be selected and will receive direct financial support (grant) of up to 10,000 euros. The project is funded by the EU Single Market Program (SMP) and will be implemented with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).
Eligible Activities:
- Investments: Covers the implementation, acquisition, purchase, and/or installation of new software, hardware, equipment, or other technologies.
- Advisory Services: Includes advisory and consultancy services related to identifying and implementing energy efficiency improvements, as well as energy audits.
- Skills & Training: Covers access to training sessions, seminars, and programs for educating and upgrading employees on energy efficiency matters.
The above activities can be combined with each other and have a total budget exceeding €10,000, but the grant provided will not exceed €10,000 per SME.
The planned activities must be designed to target an energy reduction of at least 5%. For the completion of contractual obligations, this reduction will be measured in terms of energy consumption in kWh (or equivalent kWh units provided by the SME) and will be measured within the appropriate scope of the activity performed.
How you can participate:
Interested Cypriot SMEs should contact the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus, or send an email at eency@ccci.org.cy and afterwards, the sustainability advisor of EEN Cyprus will assist them in designing a customized action plan for energy efficiency and in submitting their application. The application form and the Guide for Applicants are available on the website of the EENergy project (https://eenergy.grantplatform.com/).
The application must provide information regarding the company itself, as well as the activities aimed at improving energy efficiency by at least 5%, and the anticipated funding for the implementation of these activities (Action Plan). After the call closure, all applications will be verified for eligibility, and the selection process will be conducted through a randomized draw. Upon contracting with the funded beneficiaries, the implementation of the action plans will commence.
All SMEs that apply and meet the specifications, whether they receive funding or not, during the implementation of their action plan, will receive assistance from EEN sustainability advisors and will also receive anonymous reports comparing their energy performance with that of all other candidate companies (in terms of size, sector, and location).
Eligibility Criteria:
– It is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) as defined by the Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC:
(a) Employs fewer than 250 persons; and
(b) Has: (i) either an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million or
(ιι) an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million.
To verify the above limits, the company must first determine whether it is: an autonomous, partner or linked enterprise. To confirm which category you fall into, you can refer to the User Guide issued by the European Commission in all official languages. In particular please seepage 15–Step 4: “How do I calculate these data”. You are also advised to complete and present a “Declaration” regarding SME qualification. Attached.
- It was incorporated before the 1st of January 2023 (Registration Nu. Dpt. of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver)
- Registered in the VAT Registry
- It is not «undertaking in difficulty» i.e. is not in financial difficulty, bankruptcy, liquidation proceedings, legal proceedings or other similar situation in accordance with Commission Regulation 651/2014/EC (Art. 2, Par. 18).
For any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following phone numbers: 22889752, 22889769, or via email at eency@ccci.org.cy.
Stalo Demosthenous Senior Oficer CCCI
Department of European Affairs & Programmes Coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus
Tel. 22889752, stalo@ccci.org.cy